Responsible Gambling (cont.)
Supporting a Problem Gambler
Problem gambling often has serious effects for those close to the person with the problem. It will not be easy to approach the subject with a them. You must remember from the start that you will be able to force someone to quit gambling. However, showing concern and offering support are important first steps for helping them to resolve their problems.
Choose the right time to talk to them and let them know that you are concerned about their behavior. don't be angry or aggressive. A problem gambler will probably feel vulnerable discussing this subject so you should avoid sounding judgmental, but you should be specific about the problem and let them know if the problem is affecting other people and specifically: you. Be supportive so you do not force the person to defend themselves.
Remember, you will not be able to stop someone from gambling - they will have to make that decision themselves when they are ready to tackle the problem. Overcoming the problem will take time and commitment so your support will be invaluable.